FT WALTON FL- Staff Sergeant David Thatcher, Lt. Colonel Ed Saylor, Colonel Richard E. Cole, Doolittle's Co-Pilot- three surviving Doolittle Raiders- pose for a documentary shoot next to the B-25 "Doolittle Raiders" sporting the tail number of the famous plane. They are the remaining heroes of the original eighty men. 93-year-old Lt. Col. Robert Hite, was unable to attend the reunion.
Colonel Cole flew Larry Kelley's B-25 "Panchito" on Thursday and made the landing with Larry's hands only following on the controls for safety. Col Cole, 97 years old, visited the Southern Museum of Flight-Birmingham, back in November of 2012 along with Sergeant Tom Griffin who passed away in March.
93-year-old Lt. Col. Edward Saylor
91-year-old Staff Sergeant David Thatcher
The Ft. Walton Chamber went all out on programs and promotion and worked very hard to make the historic event a memorable success. A number of dignitaries, Florida elected officials and Eglin AFB Staff participated. During the week of April 15, the commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the one-way mission to Japan was held at the base where the "Raiders" originally trained in 1942.
97-year-old Col. Richard Cole